Money is a great tool! But it resides with people who understand how to use it properly. Making money is good, great, beautiful and valuable, but spending it properly in a way that produces the real value desired, is more important.
The right attitude to money is the magnetic force that attracts more money. Therefore, you need proper money management to be able to derive good value from it.
Aside from companies, government parastatals and production outfits that do budgeting, individuals like you and I need to plan our spending so we can make proper decision on what to and what not to purchase per time. We actually need to have prompt knowledge of our income, our financial obligations and commitments as well as our savings. This wisdom is a magnetic attraction for more money.
Another dimension of money magnet is to find a need in the society and fill it. When you produce or sell what people need, they will always come back, begging you with their money. So, if you want to become a money magnet, then start researching into those products and services that people cannot do without.
By this I mean necessities like, "How to make money", "How to overcome weak erection", "How to sell one thousand copies of your ebook online", "How to burn appreciable calories and slim down in fifteen days", "How to conquer infertility", "How to produce laundry soap", "How to raise chickens/Poultry Farming in your backyard", "How to maximize profit and minimize risk in your business", and lots more. As you do this, you will soon become a money magnet.
Great day!
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